About me
I am Abhishek Sahu, a 4th-year undergraduate student attending the College of Engineering at the main flagship campus of Texas A&M University, based in College Station, TX, where I am pursuing a degree in Computer Engineering (BS), and a minor in Cybersecurity. In my studies, I have pursued a wide interest in a variety of courses ranging from Operating Systems, Computer Architecture, VLSI Digital Design to Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.
One of my primary interests is tied to application development/analysis via the use of Geospatial Information Systems for scientific/engineering purposes. My past work has closely involved me with UI/interface development for geospatial visualization software, whether it be using R-library packages for data visualization, or the ArcGIS JavaScript framework for web development. Some of my current work includes serving as a Team Lead/Developer for the TeamUp organization, along with my service as an Undergraduate Research Assistant for the Department of Political Science at Texas A&M University. I have previously worked as an intern at the Student Engineers’ Council at Texas A&M, along with an internship for SiEnergy, a local utilities company based in the greater Houston area.
Upon completion of my degree, I am aiming to join the workforce to expand my knowledge in potential areas of interest, or may pursue a graduate degree to boost my academic background. For more information on my past research work with the FLASH research group at Texas A&M University, please see: https://vadosezone.tamu.edu/undergrads/