Amrita Mohandas

Amrita Mohandas

About me

I am a graduate student pursuing a Master of Computer Science degree at Texas A&M University, after completing a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of California, Merced, in Spring 2023. As a robotics intern and undergraduate researcher, I gained hands-on experience with robotics algorithms and teleoperation systems. Through my graduate studies, I intend to broaden my understanding of diverse areas within computer science. After earning my graduate degree, I plans to build a career in industry, aiming to work on projects that connect technology with community engagement. In the past, I participated in programs that enabled students to connect with local community members to address social issues through technology and project-driven solutions. I hope to continue this practice by participating in the Apps for Good program.

Texas A&M University Graduate School 2025 | Computer Science

App that I developed


My favorite programming languages


My areas of interest

Cybersecurity, Design, Education, Health, IoT, Robotic Process Automation